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Mother Nature
Entry # 4
June 25-29, 2012

          Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Conserve Energy, Clean the surroundings, avoid illegal things like mining, quarrying, cyanide & dynamite fishing, coral bleaching etc., don't throw garbage here & there etc.

          These are some terms to take care and protect Nature. But as a student or as a simple being what things could we possibly contribute for mother earth?

          Good thing I do this week for our nature:

1.) I turned off and unplug all the appliances that are not in use. eg. cellphone & cam charger, electric fan, television, computer and laptop.

2.) Running water in the faucet that is not in use, I also turned that off (every drop counts)

3.) Charging the batteries of my cellphone and  digicam once a week.

4.) Minimizing the use of electricity & water.

5.) Donating plastic bottles to the higher year to be recycled and scratch papers.

          You what can you do to help replenish and protect Mother Nature???


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