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          Today, I learned that EL NIñO is the abnormal warming of surface ocean waters in the eastern tropical Pacific, is one part of what's called the Southern Oscillation (the see-saw pattern of reversing surface air pressure between the eastern and western tropical Pacific). When El Niño conditions last for many months, extensive ocean warming and the reduction in Easterly Trade winds limits upwelling of cold nutrient-rich deep water and its economic impact to local fishing for an international market can be serious.

          I will apply my learning about EL NIñO in my daily activities in life, in at school.

          Learning about EL NIñO is important because I will be more knowledgeable about the warm weather and I'll be ready when it happens.

          On a larger scale, I will share my learnings to other people, students and to my friends &family for them to be also aware and ready if this it will happen and for us to know that this phenomenon will become dangerous and be serious if we will continue on contributing in global warming.

          I need to know more about the causes & effects of EL NIñO so that I will be aware & more responsible in all of the things that I will do and their effects in my environment.

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