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Public Storm Signals

~* Today, I learned that Storm Warning Signals are thestorm signals that are usually raised when an area is about to be hit by a tropical cyclone. As a tropical cyclone gains strength and/or gets nearer to an area having a storm signal, the warning may be upgraded to a higher one in that particular area.  Conversely, as a tropical cyclone weakens and/or gets farther to an area, it may be downgraded to a lower signal or may be lifted (that is, an area will have no storm signal). Classes for preschool are canceled when Signal #1 is in effect. High school classes and below are canceled under Signal #2 and classes for colleges and universities and below are canceled under Signal #3.

~*Public Storm Signal No.1*~
Meterological Conditions:
* A tropical cyclone will affect the locality.
* Winds of 30-60 kph may be expected in at least 36 hours or intermittent rains may be expected within 36 hours. (When the tropical cyclone develops very close to the locality a shorter lead time of the occurrence of the winds will be specified in the warning bulletin.) 
Impact of Winds:
* Twigs and branches of small trees may be broken.
* Some banana plants may be tilted or downed.
* Some houses of very light materials (nipa and cogon) may be partially unroofed.
* Unless this warning signal is upgraded during the entire existence of the tropical cyclone, only very light or no damage at all may be sustained by the exposed communities.
* Rice crop, however, may suffer significant damage when it is in its flowering stage.

~*Public Storm Signal No.2*~

 Meterological Conditions:
* A tropical cyclone will affect the the locality.
* Winds of greater than 60 kph and up to 100 kph may be expected in at least 24 hours.
Impact of Winds:
 * Some coconut trees may be tilted with few others broken.
* Few big trees may be uprooted.
* Many banana plants may be downed.
* Rice and corn may be adversely affected.
* Large number of nipa and cogon houses may be partially or totally unroofed.
* Some old galvanized iron roofings may be peeled off.
* In general, the winds may bring light to moderate damage to the exposed communities.

~*Public Storm Signal No.3*~

Meterological Conditions:
 * A tropical cyclone will affect the locality.
* Winds of greater than 100 kph up to 185 kph may be expected in at least 18 hours.
Impact of Winds:
* Many coconut trees may be broken or destroyed.
* Almost all banana plants may be downed and a large number of trees may be uprooted.
* Rice and corn crops may suffer heavy losses.
* Majority of all nipa and cogon houses may be unroofed or destroyed and there may be considerable damage to structures of light to medium construction.
* There may be widespread disruption of electrical power and communication services.
* In general, moderate to heavy damage may be experienced, particularly in the agricultural and industrial sectors.

~*Public Storm Signal No.4*~

 Meterological Conditions:
* A very intense typhoon will affect the locality.
* Very strong winds of more than 185 kph may be expected in at least 12 hours.
Impact of Winds:
* Coconut plantation may suffer extensive damage.
* Many large trees may be uprooted.
* Rice and corn plantation may suffer severe losses.
* Most residential and institutional buildings of mixed construction may be severely damaged.
* Electrical power distribution and communication services may be severely disrupted.
* In the overall, damage to affected communities can be very heavy.

~* I will apply my learning about this in my daily life for the possibility  to raise this storm signal into our area.

~* Learning about this phenomenon is important because this lesson can help us to be ready and responsible for any effect of this storm signals.

~* On larger scale, I will share my learnings about this phenomenon to my family, my classmates and to any other people for to them to be also ready and knowledgeable of the affect of this phenomenon and for the Precautionary Measures:

* The situation is potentially very destructive to the community.
* All travels and outdoor activities should be cancelled.
* Evacuation to safer shelters should have been completed since it may be too late under this situation.

~* I need to know more about this because this information is not enough for me to be ready in this phenomenon. 

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